Realize LIVE Europe, Munich – June 3 – 5, 2024

INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich, Unterschleißheim.

Join our community of thinkers and doers in design, manufacturing and lifecycle management to accelerate your digital transformation.

Ralf Stetter, Managing Director A+B Solutions:


From IT to OT in the Aerospace Industry – Seamless Tool Management process from Teamcenter MRL in the top floor to TDM from TDM Systems in the shop floor

Tuesday 4’th of June 2024, 15:45 – 16:15
Room: Schliersee


GE Aerospace: Replace legacy DNC solution to move forward to a Teamcenter embedded Digital Twin environment!

Wednesday 5’th of June 2024, 15:45 – 16:15
Room: Bodensee 1

RL24_SpeakerCard_Legacy DNC