A+B Solutions Smart Expert Partner for Teamcenter Manufacturing
Siemens Digital Industries Software honors A+B Solutions as strategic solution provider
Schwäbisch Gmünd, June 21, 2021. A+B Solutions GmbH is “Smart Expert Partner” for the Teamcenter Manufacturing product range of Siemens Digital Industries Software. With this certification, A+B Solutions is recognized as a long-standing and experienced development, integration and sales partner with in-depth expert knowledge and profound know-how. The qualification for this consists of a comprehensive testing and validation process that confirms A+B Solutions as a strategic solution provider with proven product and industry competencies in Siemens Digital Industries Software technologies.
A+B Solutions is a leading provider of web-based software solutions for DNC, MDE, MES and manufacturing planning and control solutions, as well as direct manufacturing integration with PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) systems. Through the close partnership with Siemens Digital Industries Software, A+B Solutions’ solutions are now used by Siemens customers around the world with the goal of realizing the digitalization of their complete process chain between development and manufacturing.
Ralf Stetter, Managing Director of A+B Solutions GmbH. “We are pleased to receive the Smart Expert Partner award. This exclusive status confirms our outstanding competence and experience in many successful projects in different industries over the last years. For our customers, we create the best conditions for optimally realizing their digitization projects, increasing their enterprise value and strengthening their competitiveness. Whether manufacturing data management, resource management, process planning or connecting manufacturing with Shop Floor Connect – the theme of manufacturing integration with Teamcenter is part of our corporate DNA.”

About A+B Solutions
A+B Solutions GmbH develops and distributes software solutions for DNC, BDE, MDE, time data and production control, MES solutions (Manufacturing Execution System) as well as PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) integrated manufacturing solutions. A+B Solutions can boast more than 40 years of experience and extensive practical know-how for project planning and integration of solutions for recording and controlling production. As a solution partner of leading providers such as Siemens Digital Industries Software, A+B Solutions offers its customers individual complete solutions – from consulting and on-site as-is surveys to planning and project engineering to system integration, commissioning and service. A+B Solutions’ customers include manufacturing companies such as Oskar Frech, Kapp Niles, Berthold Hermle, Kutting, Liebherr and MTU. www.AplusB-Solutions.com
About Siemens Digital Industries Software
Siemens Digital Industries Software is a leading global provider of software solutions that drive digital transformation in industry and create new opportunities for manufacturers to innovate. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, with more than 140,000 customers around the world, Siemens Digital Industries Software works closely with companies of all sizes to transform the way ideas are realized, products and assets are developed and put to work in meaningful ways. www.sw.siemens.com/en-US/
Press Contact
Ralf Stetter, Managin Director, A+B Solutions GmbH, 73529 Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany, Phone: +49 7171 92740-0, Ralf.Stetter[@]AplusB-Solutions.com